I will have rotated around the sun 50 times, completing 50 - FIFTY - years on this earth. Wow....
(I'm trying to do the #31dayblogchallenge, so this is days #7,8,9&10.)
When I go to sleep tonight, I will wake up another year older. Not really - I will be 8ish hours older, I'm already 364.5 days older. Anyways - the last few days that I haven't blogged have been filled with preparations for a Rock of Ages 50th Birthday party to be held here at the house tomorrow night. This evening we've been "trippin'" down memory lane working on playlists (start with RoA movie soundtrack - Whitesnake, Foreigner, Journey, REO, Pat Benatar, Scorpions, and then jump off - Van Halen, Styx, Queen, Boston...) and tweaking Clinton Kelly's Sangria recipe from his book Freakin Fabulous. Started exactly as written, backed off on brandy a bit, added more OJ and backed off on sugar a bit. Good stuff - lots of taste-testing. If there are type-o's - well... you try it! ;)
We did a whirlwind shopping escapade on Tuesday night - extra lights & extension cords for the backyard, liquor store for the Spanish wine, serving utensils, plates, cups, etc, and a few extras. Got home about 8:30 and decided we may as well knock out the grocery run, too. Home, put away and in bed before 11pm!!! Yesterday was cleaning and Christmas decorating, we don't go overboard, but we are pretty detailed - it all has to be just so. Today was beauty day and last round of shopping - needed a couple clothing items and got some awesome "military" booties for my party outfit. (I'll figure out how to post a picture next time.)
The weather has been very unseasonable here - gorgeous and sunshiney and warm - up to 80* today! I'm excited because that means we'll be able to have an outside party! Cpn Rusty got the back yard all fixed up with white lights and we're going to have candles everywhere! I've been waiting 10 years to have an outside party and the weather is FINALLY cooperating! :) Yay!!
(Have I mentioned the Sangria is very, very good?)
I may not write again until Monday - it's going to be a crazy weekend. Starting tomorrow night - party 6:30-10ish. Saturday morning - final rehearsal for the Christmas Cantata I sing with every year. Saturday afternoon - Family Christmas with our children and grandchildren (my favorite day of the year!). Sunday morning - Christmas Cantata at three services 8:30, 9:45 & 11am. Then back to our home church for a meeting and then out to lunch with my Mom, sister and brother. Hopefully we'll have enough energy for an afternoon Christmas social with dear friends. Monday I sleep! lol No, not really. Still lots to do on Monday.
Altho', after Sunday I'm basically done with the craziness of the Holiday Season and can settle in and enjoy the preparations of Advent and get ready for the birth of our Saviour, Jesus the Christ. Remind me to write about the beautiful message our pastor gave at church last week.... Better yet -
Focus on the face of a tiny baby that you're holding in your arms and let the world pass you by for a few minutes. Focus on the beauty, peace and hope that the child brings to this chaotic, crazy world. Focus on the love and joy this new life represents. Breath deep - hold it - let it go slowly...
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Sunday, December 6, 2015
1 challenge down, 1 to go, more to come?
Hurray!! Yesterday I finished 50/50 2015!! I didn't win, I didn't set a PR (personal record). I FINISHED! That was the goal, and that's what I did!! Have I decided if I'm a "runner"? Not yet. But I'm never on time with anything so I figure I have a couple more months to figure that out. I am going to stick with it and go back to the "Couch to 5k" training plan to see if that helps me grow and connect the short spurts of running that I'm able to do. Next 'challenge' event is at the end of February.
But that's not the next challenge 'to go'. Started, but already a bit behind is the #31dayblogchallenge. I've done 4/6 posts so far - Dec 1, 2/3, 5 & 6. I missed the 4th. (too bad it's not May, I could use more 4th) ((Bwahahaha)) (((I know - okay okay - anyways..... )))
I just read another blog (Lori Kennedy - The Inbox Jaunt - http://theinboxjaunt.com/2015/12/04/a-365-challenge-will-you-join-me/) to take up a new skill and practice it 365. Three.Sixty.Five - EVERY day of 2016. So not sure about that one. I do want to try much harder to learn some new things in 2016, but I know I cannot commit to 365... or can I?
{Remember the scripture writing challenge? Yeah - haven't started that one yet.}
The other day, I listened to a RobCast (Rob Bell - http://robbell.podbean.com/e/episode-43-the-school-of-greatness-with-lewis-howes/) or at least the first part of it. Long story short, Lewis Howes decides he wants to become a public speaker and get paid to do so. So he goes to all the local Toastmasters groups to try them on and decide which one will help him learn public speaking. He picks the hardest, scariest group - speakers that get paid big bucks - and joins it. He gives his first speech and reads every single word from the page and never looks up. Then he decides that at the end of the year, his 10th talk, he will give his speech from complete memory, make eye contact and engage his audience. He does it and gets a standing ovation - from the Pros!! Then he decides that in 6 months he will earn $5,000 for a talk. And He Does!!! That kind of challenge feels totally beyond my reach. Too hard, too many excuses, too out there - blah blah blah.
Or is it? I mean - who'd have guessed a little over a year ago that I'd even consider running at a competition level? Entry level, mind you, but still - it's a race, I got a number and a score. And I did it.
But that's not the next challenge 'to go'. Started, but already a bit behind is the #31dayblogchallenge. I've done 4/6 posts so far - Dec 1, 2/3, 5 & 6. I missed the 4th. (too bad it's not May, I could use more 4th) ((Bwahahaha)) (((I know - okay okay - anyways..... )))
I just read another blog (Lori Kennedy - The Inbox Jaunt - http://theinboxjaunt.com/2015/12/04/a-365-challenge-will-you-join-me/) to take up a new skill and practice it 365. Three.Sixty.Five - EVERY day of 2016. So not sure about that one. I do want to try much harder to learn some new things in 2016, but I know I cannot commit to 365... or can I?
{Remember the scripture writing challenge? Yeah - haven't started that one yet.}
The other day, I listened to a RobCast (Rob Bell - http://robbell.podbean.com/e/episode-43-the-school-of-greatness-with-lewis-howes/) or at least the first part of it. Long story short, Lewis Howes decides he wants to become a public speaker and get paid to do so. So he goes to all the local Toastmasters groups to try them on and decide which one will help him learn public speaking. He picks the hardest, scariest group - speakers that get paid big bucks - and joins it. He gives his first speech and reads every single word from the page and never looks up. Then he decides that at the end of the year, his 10th talk, he will give his speech from complete memory, make eye contact and engage his audience. He does it and gets a standing ovation - from the Pros!! Then he decides that in 6 months he will earn $5,000 for a talk. And He Does!!! That kind of challenge feels totally beyond my reach. Too hard, too many excuses, too out there - blah blah blah.
Or is it? I mean - who'd have guessed a little over a year ago that I'd even consider running at a competition level? Entry level, mind you, but still - it's a race, I got a number and a score. And I did it.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
48. down, 5 to go! Today is the day
that I FINISH a Goal that I set in the Fall of 2014. You see, I turn Fifty next Friday and I've read various articles about people who do something to commemorate or mark the event. And I'd been piddling around with wanting to run, like a runner - something I was never very good at, but never really tried. So I came up with this grand plan to enter and finish ten 5k races throughout 2015, before my birthday in December. If you've been following along, you know the score - and I'll put up the final tallies after today's finish.
I have to admit I'm a little dissappointed - I had these secret lofty dreams of becoming a REAL runner like the ones that always get the medals and are always saying about how they just can't stand it if they can't get out and run. I have a friend that says she feels like a caged animal if she isn't able to run at least a couple times a week. I really admire that friend - she's beautiful and smart and so dedicated to herself. I wanna be like her when I grow up! I thought I could get out and train and work on my form and speed and be able to actually run a whole 5k, not run/walk. I secretly hoped I could run a 12 minute mile. That's where the dissappointment comes in... I'm lousy at training, I can barely run 1/2 mile without stopping and my best time is still over 14:30.
But - you know what? As I sit here processing the year, I am a little teary-eyed, as I realize that I am doing it. I set a goal - the goal was to FINISH. I did get better. When I started I coudn't run a quarter mile without stopping and on a really, really good day I've even done three quarters - once, maybe twice. Maybe today is the day I'll get a mile. It's going to be chilly - there's frost everywhere. That's a good reason to run fast, right?
So - I'm going to revel in the pre-race excitement - we're all wearing jingle bells and there will be Christmas music playing all along the way. I'm going to keep my chin up and do the best I can, today. Right Now. I'm going to take it all in and enjoy the moment, the day, the sunshine (it is GORGEOUS outside), and the company of my Darling Cpn Rusty who has been with me every step of the way. His confidence in me and encouragement have kept me going and helped me to realize that I CAN do this.
See you at the finish line!
I have to admit I'm a little dissappointed - I had these secret lofty dreams of becoming a REAL runner like the ones that always get the medals and are always saying about how they just can't stand it if they can't get out and run. I have a friend that says she feels like a caged animal if she isn't able to run at least a couple times a week. I really admire that friend - she's beautiful and smart and so dedicated to herself. I wanna be like her when I grow up! I thought I could get out and train and work on my form and speed and be able to actually run a whole 5k, not run/walk. I secretly hoped I could run a 12 minute mile. That's where the dissappointment comes in... I'm lousy at training, I can barely run 1/2 mile without stopping and my best time is still over 14:30.
But - you know what? As I sit here processing the year, I am a little teary-eyed, as I realize that I am doing it. I set a goal - the goal was to FINISH. I did get better. When I started I coudn't run a quarter mile without stopping and on a really, really good day I've even done three quarters - once, maybe twice. Maybe today is the day I'll get a mile. It's going to be chilly - there's frost everywhere. That's a good reason to run fast, right?
So - I'm going to revel in the pre-race excitement - we're all wearing jingle bells and there will be Christmas music playing all along the way. I'm going to keep my chin up and do the best I can, today. Right Now. I'm going to take it all in and enjoy the moment, the day, the sunshine (it is GORGEOUS outside), and the company of my Darling Cpn Rusty who has been with me every step of the way. His confidence in me and encouragement have kept me going and helped me to realize that I CAN do this.
See you at the finish line!
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Mind over matter
Days 2 & 3 of the 31 day blog challenge. I didn't put fingers to keys yesterday, but I thought about it, so I'm counting that! ;)
I read this article yesterday about mindfulness: http://www.raptitude.com/2015/11/mindfulness-is-the-opposite-of-neediness/
It says to meditate each day brings more focus and less fiddling with electronics. Now, obviously, I'm pro-actively using social media by writing a blog and maintaining a Facebook page. But I know that I spend way too much time "just checking". For what? I have no idea.
I also have come across a 31 day scripture writing practice. A list of scripture is given, and you simply copy the days' assignment onto a piece of paper. The instructions say it takes about 10 minutes.
SO - here's my plan: I will read and copy the scripture each day, meditate for 10 minutes and then share that experience here. I'm hoping to establish a little discipline, practice a lot of mindfulness and become more productive over all.
We'll see.....
I read this article yesterday about mindfulness: http://www.raptitude.com/2015/11/mindfulness-is-the-opposite-of-neediness/
It says to meditate each day brings more focus and less fiddling with electronics. Now, obviously, I'm pro-actively using social media by writing a blog and maintaining a Facebook page. But I know that I spend way too much time "just checking". For what? I have no idea.
I also have come across a 31 day scripture writing practice. A list of scripture is given, and you simply copy the days' assignment onto a piece of paper. The instructions say it takes about 10 minutes.
SO - here's my plan: I will read and copy the scripture each day, meditate for 10 minutes and then share that experience here. I'm hoping to establish a little discipline, practice a lot of mindfulness and become more productive over all.
We'll see.....
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
The 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge
Here's a link to the challenge if you want to join in or link up:

10 days to go....
until the big day! Our last run is this Saturday - will finish with 53+k. The Wurst 5-mile went well - that's the one that threw off the total.
The whole purpose of 50/50 2015 was to decide if I really am or am not a Runner. Guess What?
I still don't know. I am, admittedly, inconsistent. I don't seem to have much discipline when it comes to, well, anything! lol When I'm actually doing it - it's awesome! Sunshine, wind in my face, feeling strong and fit! But.... I can't seem to get out the door. There's always an excuse or justification. It's cold, it's hot, it's raining, it's too late, it's too early/still dark.
But... we've had a lot of fun doing the races together and supporting different organizations. We will do the Madalyn 5k Stroll again, the RunFeedLove 5k in February again, and we're even considering a 10 mile in Austin in April. TEN MILES - under consideration! Am I nuts? Yeah - probably. :)
I wanted to write this blog today for a couple reasons - #RunningTowardsFifty is coming to a close. I'll write another post or two after the Jingle Bell 5k on Saturday in San Marcos and after the "big day" next weekend. But.... the blog isn't going away. It's transforming back to "by Laura McFall" and will take on a sewing/cooking/fitness/RVing vibe. For the next couple weeks, you will see add'l blogs about such topics. I'm taking part in a 31-day blog challenge to write something every day. Not sure I'll get it done EVERY day, but at least once a week.
This past week we were in our RV at a campsite and I started a quilt outside, and then also used the Convection Microwave for the first time. I will be writing about those kinds of things - my experiences, how it works, what I learn, etc.
Now all I have to do is figure out now to format and transition the page so #RunningTowardsFifty isn't lost, but it all still makes sense.....
Stay Tuned.....
The whole purpose of 50/50 2015 was to decide if I really am or am not a Runner. Guess What?
I still don't know. I am, admittedly, inconsistent. I don't seem to have much discipline when it comes to, well, anything! lol When I'm actually doing it - it's awesome! Sunshine, wind in my face, feeling strong and fit! But.... I can't seem to get out the door. There's always an excuse or justification. It's cold, it's hot, it's raining, it's too late, it's too early/still dark.
But... we've had a lot of fun doing the races together and supporting different organizations. We will do the Madalyn 5k Stroll again, the RunFeedLove 5k in February again, and we're even considering a 10 mile in Austin in April. TEN MILES - under consideration! Am I nuts? Yeah - probably. :)
I wanted to write this blog today for a couple reasons - #RunningTowardsFifty is coming to a close. I'll write another post or two after the Jingle Bell 5k on Saturday in San Marcos and after the "big day" next weekend. But.... the blog isn't going away. It's transforming back to "by Laura McFall" and will take on a sewing/cooking/fitness/RVing vibe. For the next couple weeks, you will see add'l blogs about such topics. I'm taking part in a 31-day blog challenge to write something every day. Not sure I'll get it done EVERY day, but at least once a week.
This past week we were in our RV at a campsite and I started a quilt outside, and then also used the Convection Microwave for the first time. I will be writing about those kinds of things - my experiences, how it works, what I learn, etc.
Now all I have to do is figure out now to format and transition the page so #RunningTowardsFifty isn't lost, but it all still makes sense.....
Stay Tuned.....
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