Today I was finally able to stitch up a new dust cover for my sewing machine. I had purchased five fat quarters (FQs) and a roll of 40 2 1/2" strips all in batiks last week. The FQs were for a specific project, but I didn't need very much and the roll was just pretty and a very good price. So, I set about to use up the leftover FQs and some of the batik strips to make a quilt as you go (QAYG) dust cover.
First step was to "drape" the machine with a piece of batting to determine the size and design. On the right end I decided to put a seam and box the top corner. On the left end, I decided to add in a separate piece and leave the front and back bottom edges loose so the cover will fit regardless of which attachment I have on my machine - regular sewing bed, extended flatbed table or embroidery unit. The following photos and text are the steps that describe how I went about making it.
Measure the distance up and over the machine, the width of the front, the distance from the top of the left end to the flatbed, and also the depth of the end.
Using these measurements, I determined that I needed a large flat piece measuring 31"x 33". A whole piece of cloth may be used, or pieced together leftovers. This is the inside of the cover, or the lining, so it doesn't need to be fancy. I used the leftovers from the fat quarters and stitched them together. I placed the backing wrong side up on the table and pin basted the batting to it.
Place the first strip right side up from one corner diagonally across the batting & backing. Hold it in place with pins and then choose another strip to add. Stitch the strips right sides together through all layers with a 1/4" seam on one side. Carefully press the strip open, removing any safety pins that get in the way of the stitching. Choose another strip and add it right sides together to the opposite side of the first strip, stitching through all the layers. Continue to add strips, pressing between each add, to either side of the first center strip.
Trim the excess strip ends even with the edges of the batting.
Use the trimmed end pieces to finish out the corners. Press very well and then trim all of the edges to neaten edges and square up the corners.
Put the piece over the machine, pin up the right seam and check the piece for the left end for proper length and size. Cut a piece of batting to the size of the end piece and then add strips in the same manner as before. I put the end strips horizontally instead of on an angle.
After all the strips are stitched, turn the bottom strip to the wrong side and stitch down. Trim the top corners to a slight curve. Very carefully stitch the piece into the end, matching centers and easing around the corners. Stitch the other end with a 1/2" seam and then box the top corner. Zig-zag raw edges to prevent fraying and wear.
Sometimes the sewing stars align and you get great matched seams without even trying!!
Stitch two strips together to form a binding for the lower edge. I was able to continue the binding up to enclose the seams on the left end piece. I machine topstitched the binding in place and TA-Done!! A new sewing machine dust cover all quilted and bound in just a few easy steps!
I hope you enjoyed this overview of how I made a QAYG dust cover for my machine. It was a fairly basic project and took me about 3 hours to put together. And - because I used up the rest of the FQ bundle and about half of the strips - I have avoided adding a UFO and only lightly supplemented my "stash". There are enough strips left to make a new mat for under the machine and other accessories to go in my sewing area.