Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!! Enjoy the weekend...

... training starts on Monday!  Going back to The Daniel Plan detox from wheat & dairy and really cutting back on sugar and caffeine.  Running on Monday & Thursday, Denise Austin Boot Camp on Tuesday & Friday, Yardwork on Wednesday (all weather permitting).  I'll go outside if it's sunny.

Next race is a trail run in San Marcos on January 17th.

The New Year is only a week away - what is your plan?

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Pre-Season Down - ON to the Countdown!!

We successfully finished the Madeleine Memorial 5k in Gruene Lake Village this evening.  We (Cpn Rusty and I) finished in 50 minutes with an average pace of 16:02.  That's pretty quick!  It was an after dark event, everyone had their glowy and sparkly stuff on.  Live music at the finish line and free wine and beer.  At least we burned enough calories to counter that!

Someone asked me a while back if I had experienced the "runners high" yet.  I'm not sure if it's that or the wine, but I feel pretty darn good right now!  :)

Really - it is a great feeling to know I have taken and completed the first step in this year long journey.  Thank you all for tagging along.  But it's your turn - WHAT? Are you going to do in 2015??

Friday, December 19, 2014

So this is a packet...

This packet has our t-shirts, a couple of koozies, papers & handouts, a pen, pair of sunglasses and the all-important wrist band.

What's not in the packet is any information regarding the event I registered for. I guess that's all online & on my receipt. 

Cool - we're doing a 5k. Never thought I'd say that!!!

The event starts at 4, the 5k at 6, and the after-party goes until 8pm. Live music, too. Hope we still have some energy left for a lap or two around the dance floor. 

Stay tuned.....

51 weeks to go....

It is painfully obvious that I have to get better about posting things.  Here it's been two weeks already.

So - I turned 49 last Thursday.  It was a beautiful day - rainy, but not chilly.  Had a great lunch and visit with my Mom and two sisters at the River Tea Room over in Gruene.  Then Cpn Rusty and I drove to Comfort, TX, so I could sing with the Cantata Choir from First UMC New Braunfels and Gaddis UMC, Comfort.  It was a long ride, but an awesome experience.  We also got to see a fair share of Christmas lights on the drive home.

We began Monday (12/15) with resolve to train for our 5ks for 50/50/2015.  We did just over 3 miles on both Monday and Tuesday, with a Walk/Run pace of about 16.5 minute/mile.  I was pleased that I was able to go pretty far without getting completely winded, even without doing much for the past month or so.  Then life got in the way (AGAIN - dang Life) and we haven't 'trained' since Tuesday.  Our first "official pre-season" 5k is tomorrow evening.  It's a fun run/Christmas Stroll.  I don't know how much we'll "run", but it will be a good first experience at an official race.  I have to go pick up a packet today.  I don't really even know what that means.

We will register for the Purgatory Trail 5k Run in January. The course is "off-road", not on pavement.  I'm trying to decide if my regular shoes will be sufficient.  They are not "trail" shoes, but "running" shoes.  ?  So much to learn.  I am still working on getting that weatherproof jacket and ear warmers.  I haven't made it to the U-Run store yet to see what they have.

It is really hard to get all fired up about this when the weather is wet and rainy, as it is again today.  My biggest challenge seems to be stepping out the door.  If I can get over that bad habit (I won't go so far as to call it anxiety or fear, but simple complacency I think.), I can conquer the world!

I want to keep up with this blog - I want to record my journey.  If you happen to read it, please comment here or on the Facebook link of what kind of things you think I could chat about?  Do you want to know of my struggles, my successes?  Process/training? Specific Gear? Diet?

If you're following the blog, I'm hoping it's because you are on this journey, too.  How can we help each other?  After all - isn't that what LIFE is all about?

Until next time....

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Running Towards Fifty

One week from today, I will turn 49 years old.  One week from tomorrow, I will begin my 50th year. I have decided that during 2015, I will complete 50k - Ten 'official' 5k to 10k runs. (50/50 2015) Key word "complete".  I am not a runner.  More accurately, I am barely a runner.  My hubby, CpnRusty, walks as fast as I run... for now.  Hopefully, by December of next year, I will be able to finish a 12 minute mile.  Not even worried about a 10 minute mile, as that is the standard for my 29yo daughter, SgtChar, for the Army Reserves.  Not gonna worry about it!

I haven't registered for any races yet, I'm still getting the calendar together.  Hoping to travel around the Central Texas area, including Bastrop, New Braunfels, Bandera and San Antonio.  I know there's a Wounded Warrier 8k (about 5 miles) in San Antonio in September, our church is hosting a 5k in February, Kyle kicks off New Years Day with a commitment run - that sounds like a good one.  I might start a bit early - there's a 5k "stroll" over in Gruene on Dec 21st.

One thing I'm wondering about - CpnRusty and I are very active with Relay for Life, to support the American Cancer Society.  Each run I participate in requires an entrance fee, so I will be raising funds for many organizations throughout the year.  So - I'm wondering if I can "double-dip" and get Sponsors for 50/50 2015 and raise $$ for Relay for Life whilst I'm running towards fifty?

I know I want to have a specific running shirt with odometer numbers rolling from 49 to 50 and a list on the back of each event I complete.  Hey - maybe I can make a t-shirt quilt out of all my event shirts!  My other "thing" is sewing/quilting.  You will see both 50/50 2015 and S/Q on my FB page.

I also know that I need to train better.  This month (December 2014), I have challenged my Facebook friends to 20/20 - at least 20 minutes of exercise-like activity for 20 days.  I found Denise Austin (my fitness hero) on Amazon Instant Video and have done the Boot Camp workouts.  I WILL master a "Spiderman" (do a push up while bringing knee up beside the chest)!  Today I pedaled on our recumbent bike while breakfast was baking.  Saturday morning, one of the running pages I follow is having a training fun-run at Landa Park at 7am.  Hmmm....  sounds like a way to make some running friends, and also stay accountable.  

Cpn Rusty asked me what I want for my birthday, and it came to me about the same time as the new title for this blog - Running Gear!!!  I could use a decent foul weather jacket - room to move, water proof, wind proof, and good ear cover - ear muffs are kinda dorky.  Recommendations Welcome!!

So anyways - this is where I'm at, where I'm starting.  I will try to post once a week - Thursday or Friday - with updates on progress and upcoming events.  I'd love for you to join my journey. Literally - dust off your sneakers and find a 5k to enter, or Figuratively - follow vicariously, and find your own thing to "run towards".  

What do you want to be when you grow up?  I'm still trying to decide.....